What to Know Before You Invest in a Hair Product

What to Know Before You Invest in a Hair Product

Girls, we know – hair products are expensive! But Lord, it is worth it when you find a good one – so here are three quick reminders of what to know before you invest in a hair product.

Know the Product’s Purpose

If you’re looking for tighter curls then a relaxing cream isn’t going to work; if you want sleek hair then a curly enhancing mousse isn’t your answer – we’re not telling you anything new here.

Not every product will fit every purpose, and this research is a crucial step to make sure your money isn’t wasted.

Having said that, some products can be that one-stop apply and go (like Nuele): it just depends on what you’re looking for.

Check Those Ingredients

Nobody wants to use dangerous ingredients on their hair – those toxins soak into your scalp and reach much more than your hair strands. But you’d be surprised with just how many people don’t know what they’re putting on their hair on a daily basis.

Go ahead, take a look at your favorite haircare products – do you recognize any of those words listed under ingredients?

That’s why Nuele focuses on having five clear, easy to understand ingredients – so you feel safe and protected.

Know Your Hair Type

Using the wrong product, or the wrong amount for your hair type is only going to result in disaster. But unfortunately, it’s one that happens often, simply because we don’t know our hair types.

This is a question that a hairdresser can answer for you – next time you pop into your local salon, ask her to confirm between trimming.

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